V-E Day: Victory in Europe May 8, 1945
The victory in the Battle of Midway destroyed most of the Japanese fleet, giving them a defeat they never expected. This changed the balance of sea power in the Pacific, which also changed the direction of the war with Japan. Just a few months after the Japanese surprise attack at Pearl Harbor, the United States had reversed the course of the war and became the aggressor against the aggressor.
It has always fascinated me how a small island nation like Japan could even imagine that it could defeat the United States. Indeed, after Pearl Harbor, on of their senior officers said, “I am afraid we have just awakened a sleeping giant.” That turned out to be very prophetic.
In this day, many wonder how a small, fanatic bunch of radical muslims could imagine attacking the United States with the goal of taking us over altogether. And yet, that is precisely what they wish to do. If Japan had conquered us, we would all be speaking Japanese now. If the Islamists conquer us, we will all be under Sharia Law.
In honor of our veterans, I am going to post links to a different site each day that reflects America’s need for a strong military, and the courage and sacrifice of those who have defended this country.
America entered World War II with the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
The following image is a link to eye witness accounts of history, specifically the attack on
the USS Arizona.
Do you think you’ve blown it too many times? Preachers tell us all the time that God is the God of the second chance. But what if you got the second chance, and you blew it all over again? Many times, when people deliberately turn their backs on Jesus and return to their sin, they go back into a deeper state of depravity than they were in to begin with. Sometimes they try to be badder, meaner, do more drugs, drink more booze just to show that they never knew this Jesus in the first place. Like they’re trying to prove something to somebody, or maybe themselves. But if you are truly saved, the Holy Spirit will still be there, in the background, and He won’t let you go. In the book, From Woodstock To Eternity, Dustin Morgan experiences this phenomenon as he tries to shake off his run-in with the Spirit.
He wanted so badly to have things like they used to be that he thought he could bludgeon this resistance into submission by continuing to cram beer and pot into his system. He
was bound to desensitize himself against the checks and balances the Holy Spirit was putting up.
Before he got saved, he didn’t really believe that God could get inside of his brain and start working on him, but he was skeptical enough that he didn’t want to risk it. That’s why he didn’t want to get saved in the first place. And now, here it comes. It’s tough when God talks to you every time you get stoned.
So, let’s say after a fall like this, you try to pull yourself back up and make another commitment to follow the Lord. That would be chance number three, right? Then you fall again and get drunk, or get high, or do something stupid. How many times is God going to take you back? Matthew 18:22 says,
Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.”
In other words, as many times as it takes to bring you to total repentance and deliverance.
The definition of Mercy is: God punishing us less than we deserve. We may not deserve forgiveness, but God gives it to us anyway.
The definition of Grace is: God’s power to do what He tells us to do. With His grace, we can ultimately and completely quit our old ways and follow His ways.
Otherwise known as Dependency Syndrome, I Have Rights Syndrome, They Owe Me Syndrome, and Victim Syndrome
Definition of a Syndrome:
Deficit Syndrome
In this excerpt in From Woodstock To Eternity, Dustin Morgan finds himself at the food kitchen of the hog farm at the Woodstock festival, contemplating his free food. He is glad to get it, but it brings up a boat load of questions about the virtues and non-virtues of getting a free lunch.
“Yeh, man, peace and love, ya know. We all gotta take care of each other or we’re doomed.”
“You got that right. Y’know, this food is a life saver, but I almost feel a little guilty, like I shouldn’t be taking a free handout.”
“Ah, no, man. Don’t feel guilty about it. This is what it’s all about.”
“Yeh, a lot of us got caught off guard. But up to now, I always took care of myself. I was just thinkin’; if I left home and went out on my own, then I should have to accept the fact that I’ve got to provide for myself. After all, if I want to leave my parent’s authority, then I’m also gonna have to make do without their care and responsibility.”
“Look at it from the other side. If I provide for myself, I earn the right to be my own boss, right? That means I don’t depend on them to provide for me or protect me anymore. But if I goof up when I’m out on my own, I got nobody to blame but myself; my parents are no longer responsible for my mistakes. Does that make any sense?”
“Yeh, I guess so, man. You are getting’ way out there, though. What’s all this got to do
with a plate full of rice?”
“I’m getting to that. OK, here I am, out on my own. I left straight society behind, and I am sitting in the middle of Woodstock. Now, today, I suddenly discover that I am unable to take care of myself, and that dilemma rattles up a nerve somewhere inside me that I failed. I failed to see far enough ahead, or whatever. So, do I expect the Establishment to air drop supplies down to me because I didn’t plan ahead? No! That would mean I am still obligated to them, because I need them. Can you see that?”
“I don’t know, man. I just live on the commune and they feed me.”
“What if you left the commune? Would you still expect them to feed you?”
“I guess not. I never really thought about it.”
Cosmo is living on handouts and he never thought about it. That also means he never thought about breaking out and living on his own. His initiative and creativity had already been snuffed out by the “Beans and Rice Syndrome”.
This Syndrome now affects complete segments of our society as they get more and more used to living off of government handouts. Like I said in the post, You Get Tired of Steak, most people start getting bored of their existence, no matter how good it is, once it becomes routine. People who don’t have to work, who are living on handouts, also get stuck in a routine. They never seem to get tired of their existence. In fact, it goes the other way, they get used to living in their government sponsored poverty, and they lose all diligence and effort it takes to break out into prosperity.
Like Dustin said, helping each other out temporarily until they can get back on their feet is a good thing, But don’t let yourself get caught up in the freebies. Flee from it like the plague, or you will end up with the dreaded societal disease called Beans and Rice Syndrome.
Have you ever found yourself trapped in your own environment? There you are, doing the same things, following the same routines, and then something totally unexpected happens. You get an offer to do something you never thought of, or life presses you until you begin
to see, “I could do that.”
Maybe you have thought ahead a little bit and realize where the track you are on in life could take you if you don’t do something about it. In From Woodstock To Eternity, Dustin Morgan finds himself in this very place as he gets a glimpse of what awaits him if he keeps on with his wild, bachelor mindset.
“It was like I could see ahead in the future, and I imagined myself being in my forties, still trying to play the field. It seemed kind of asinine that I would keep on running around like a kid, cruising the bars, chasing skirts; everyone I knew would be married with families, and then Boom! It hit me. In spite of all my friends, and associates, and my community of hippies, I could end up living by myself. The likelihood that this scenario could very well happen scared the hell out of me. It still does. It bothered me so much I had to shout out loud into that, gloomy, misty darkness,
“Well, it looks like this is my chance. I can see a door opening from another world, and I think I need to walk through it. I’ve been considering some things I thought I would never consider before. Yeh, Buck, I think the time has come for me to do something crazy.”
Book excerpt: From Woodstock To Eternity
The door Dustin is talking about is the door to a lifestyle of marriage, one he has never contemplated before. As a matter of fact, marriage has always represented confinement to him, but times are changing. It is significant that the door is opening up to him – he is not trying to open the door. An opportunity is presenting itself to him in spite of his old ideas. What is being opened up to him is the chance to grab hold of the concept of marriage and see it as a good thing. It is the chance to completely change his mind. Will he take it?
This is a very popular painting of Jesus knocking on the door of our hearts. He is on the outside, we are on the inside. He is offering the opportunity for us to enter a world totally different than the one we have been living in. He is also giving us the chance to change our mind about things and to be willing to embrace the mindset of heaven and righteousness.
This image shows both sides of the door. The people on one side are completely wrapped up in their daily routines, then they hear a knock. Jesus has come with a new way of thinking. Just like Dustin Morgan’s predicament, they may not want to leave their old way of doing and thinking, but the crack of light through the opening door offers them a way to escape. Will they take it? Will you take it? Dustin Morgan took it, and it changed his life forever.
Walk through the door. See what eternity has in store for you.
Have you ever wondered why some Christians are so passionate about Jesus, and others just mention Him once in a while, or worse yet, only when they’re cussing? Yes, even some Christians use the Lord’s Name in vain. If you are on the “not ready to get into it” side of things, you might look at full blown Christians with an idea like, “If I looked like that, talked like that and lived like that, I would lose all my friends, and maybe even my family. Plus, I would look like a Bible thumper, and that would embarrass me.”
If you were on the “Jesus saved me and I owe him my life side”, you might look at the non-committed Christian and say, “now why can’t they overcome whatever is holding them back, or why can’t they see the principles that are so plainly laid out in the Bible?”
There are levels in between, as well. In the book, From Woodstock To Eternity, Morgan’s parents were devoted Christians who faithfully went to church, but he seldom, if ever, heard a conversation about Jesus during the week. He may have been a part of their thinking at times, but they did not make the presence of God a part of their normal family life.
“They talked to Jesus and about Jesus all the time, as if He was a real person, living in the air all around them. This was a different attitude towards God than what he grew up with. He had always gone to church on Sunday with his parents, but during the rest of the week, Jesus was not in the picture. Mom and Dad were moral, ethical, hardworking people, but they didn’t talk to Jesus on a regular basis. They didn’t act like there was someone else in the room, so Morgan had no reason to think there was such a thing as a living Jesus watching over them.
Now, this new reality was being forced upon him. Not harshly, or menacingly, but by default. This is how his sister and brother-in-law saw it, this is how everybody in the church saw it, and so he was being inundated with the presence of Jesus. He didn’t mind, everybody was extremely nice, and he was making friends that were in another world from the friends he had back in Virginia. It’s just that everything was so, well, so straight.”
There are 4 levels of Commitment to the Word – Which one are you?
This is someone who has heard the Gospel, is intrigued by it because it has a grain of truth to him, but considers the effect it will have on his life and says, “not for me.” It could also mean that the person actually believed it and got saved, but has no desire to to anything about it. He continues on like nothing happened.
This person receives the Gospel with great joy, thinking it will solve all their problems, but
when they start to live it, they don’t receive the “help” they perceived, but instead,pressure. This opposing pressure comes from friends, family, situations, etc. They get discouraged and shrink back from being a vibrant, upbeat, energized Christian.
This is the one that ensnares most “middle of the road” Christians. Even in this category there is a wide range. It could be your average good ole boy who is ashamed to let his rough and tough buddies know he is a Christian. He goes to the bar after work, he cusses on the job.
It could also be your average “good Christian” who regularly goes to Church, and even sees the Church family as their body of friends. However, if they did anything as radical as home school their kids, got rid of their TV, or quite their jobs to raise their kids at home intead of Day Care, they would be ostracized. Their church family friends would say, “We didn’t expect you to go that far!!!! What are you, some kind of fanatic?”
This is the realm, in our culture today, where you are walking in strength and confidence and joy, but everybody else thinks you are nuts. Not to worry, Jesus has given us a promise.
“Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you
falsely for My sake. “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Matthew 5:11-13
“But I don’t want to be reviled and persecuted”, you say. No, that is not for this level. That’s what the people back on level 2 say. On this level of total freedom, you embrace the persecution and see it as a badge of honor. When you get here – You are FREE!!!
The Agony of Not Trying: Doomed to Sameness
To some, not knowing what is out there is no big deal. They are not curious enough, they have no goal to pursue, and they don’t have the drive to pursue it. They are content with what they have and have resigned themselves to staying that way to the end.
They may be content, but to others, this is an intolerable state of affairs. Staying the way you are is tantamount to being doomed to sameness. They may be content for a while, but sooner or later, they get a spark, a crazy idea. If that idea is successful, they will enter a new realm, and the rest of their life will be vastly different from what they know now.
The possibilities eat away at them, the fantasies of all they could be consume them. Then someone or something says, “Maybe you shouldn’t do that. You know this could happen or that could happen.” See: The 7 Qualities of a Pioneer
But it’s too late. The seed has sprouted, and it is growing. “Not try, you say? Curb your
tongue! Away with such a fellow! To the executioners!” By the time you’ve got to this point, the pain of not knowing what would have happened is far worse than the pain of any bad consequences for trying. At least that’s what you think.
The following is a book excerpt about this part of the makeup of a True Pioneer in From Woodstock To Eternity,
“It isn’t enough just to have a dream and work hard to fulfill it. The pioneer is willing to leave behind all the known quantities of his present reality because he sees them as limitations. And, those limitations are like chains to him. He might as well be in leg irons in a dungeon with one little window where he can watch the world outside change and grow while he is forced to tolerate an eternal hell of sameness. When he sees an opportunity that will
enable him to break free of those limitations and latch onto an enterprise with untold possibilities, he has to take it. He is compelled. He will not be able to live with himself if he does not at least give it his best shot. It doesn’t matter that some people will die, others will suffer shipwreck, still more will become discouraged and turn back. He never believes it will happen to him.It isn’t enough just to have a dream and work hard to fulfill it. The pioneer is willing to leave behind all the known quantities of his present reality because he sees them as limitations. And, those limitations are like chains to him. He might as well be in leg irons in a dungeon with one little window where he can watch the world outside change and grow while he is forced to tolerate an eternal hell of sameness. When he sees an opportunity that will enable him to break free of those limitations and latch onto an enterprise with untold possibilities, he has to take it. He is compelled. He will not be able to live with himself if he does not at least give it his best shot. It doesn’t matter that some people will die, others will suffer shipwreck, still more will become discouraged and turn back. He never believes it will happen to him.”
Transformation has many phases. No one wakes up one day, and says, “you know what? I have been wrong my whole life about such and so, and so today I am going to change.” No, friends, we all know that we will hang on tooth and nail to any idea, opinion, thought, or behavior that we have adopted as part of our lives, even if we know deep down inside that they could be wrong. Or even a teensy weensy bit wrong. Or even a lot wrong.
It all has to start with some inward realization that things are not going right. In the book, From Woodstock To Eternity, Dustin Morgan has achieved a level of success in the high flying drug dealing, hippie lifestyle, and should be relishing all the benefits of “The Kingdoms of this world and their glory.” But, a gnawing reality start to impress itself upon his conscience, even in his drunken, hallucinating stupor.
“… Morgan quickly slides back into a continuous stupor of all day drinking and partying. He starts losing his grip in many ways, spraining his ankle, stumbling around and cutting his bare feet on broken glass, forgetting where he put his money. He does one more run with Agent Orange only to misplace thousands of dollars; stashing it where he thought he would never forget. He starts shooting up cocaine until it becomes an uncontrollable addiction, draining money and energy from him like a big, black hole.
He is trying to satisfy all the goals of life with the full time pursuit of pleasure. What is the
goal of dealing dope? Isn’t it to escape the lifelong curse of man to work for a living? Now that you don’t have to work, what’s the goal of that? To free you up to do what you want to do all day? And what do most people want to do if they don’t have to work? Party, party, party!!! Right?
After a few months of running around doing nothing all day, eating out at dinner, drinking the night away, Morgan starts to get bored and disillusioned. Is this all there is to it? Is this what life is all about; the end
game? Getting to the point where you don’t have to work so you can eat in restaurants, drink champagne, get high, and have steak and eggs for breakfast?
When he left Woodstock, he had an obsession to escape forever the beans and rice syndrome of handouts and communal living. Once he had enough money, he ate steak
every chance he got. But after a while, his “high on the hog” lifestyle gave him a totally unexpected revelation: No matter how good something is, if you have enough of it, it gets old and routine. The startling conclusion hits him,
“You get tired of steak.”
The point here is that our earthly bodies are wired to become complacent with whatever becomes routine. This is why people can adapt to living in homeless conditions or on welfare day after day, giving up any goals or dreams, and accept their reality. It is also why highly successful people can begin to feel so accustomed to their opulent lifestyle that they are no longer grateful for it, or no longer think it gives them any satisfaction.
So, what is the solution?
You have to think it terms of Eternity! You must become an Eternal Pioneer! Everything
on this earth has an end and can come to the point where you can not get any more. In Eternity, in Christ, we have an unlimited existence with Him that will continue forever.
Colossians 3:2 -4 …Set your mind on things above,
not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.
When is it prudent to let caution triumph over glory? When is it OK to go for glory in spite of the cautions?
Proverbs 27:12 says, “A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself; The simple pass on and are punished.” and
Proverbs 14:15 “The simple believes every word, But the prudent considers well his steps.”
So do we always have to hide ourselves to be prudent? If we pass on and do it anyway,
are we always considered simple? Like everything else, it depends on the situation, and of course, hearing from God. In my post, 7 Qualities of a Pioneer, I talk about the way a pioneer mindset approaches this issue.
In this excerpt from the book From Woodstock To Eternity, Dustin Morgan approaches the issue from the mindset of a hippie pot dealer.
Many conflicting emotions hit Morgan at once. The thrill of being involved in a new level of pot dealing is quickly clouded by a dose of reality that the stakes are higher now. The sweet success of dealing has always had that twinge of “what happens if I get caught?” And, the bigger the volume, the bigger the twinge.
Do I really want to get in this deep? He ponders it for a second. The conclusion is inevitable. He’ll always wonder what would have happened if he doesn’t. The next level is always a blind leap. You’ll never know until you try. The question is, do you have the guts to try, or is caution going to triumph over glory?
“You bet, brother. Let’s do it.”
Some steps for a prudent man to consider about caution: