While there is a great story line and lots of drama and action in From Woodstock To Eternity, the main theme of the title hinges on the transformation from Woodstock to Eternity. The key to this transformation is in the chapter titled “Deliverance.” However, Recovery is not the same as
The Deliverance chapter is where the long struggle with the old life comes to a climax, and Dustin Morgan is freed from the bonds he put on himself. What he initially thought was good and upright and fun eventually entrapped him in his lifestyle, his attitudes and his very freedom to exist. This is how it came about:

A change comes over Pastor J.R. Instead of the nice, soft spoken church pastor, his eyes come alive, and his whole persona flushes with boldness. He is on the attack. A look of fire lights up his face, and he strides toward Dustin like a lion. Morgan’s eyes make contact with J.R.’s. He starts shaking. J.R. points his finger right at his face and speaks directly to the spirits. He snarls,
“You demons of lust and drugs and drunkenness, I command you to come out of this man now, in the Name of Jesus Christ!!”
In the heavenly realms, the screams of Legion and his demons resound like tormented echoes going down a well as they spiral into the pit of hell. The angels watching the LIGHT screen see the hordes tumbling down to Hades as Jesus casts them all out of Dustin Morgan. The heavens erupt in a deafening sea of applause and shouts and praises. Thousands and thousands of angels sing, “Worthy is the Lamb!!” and “The Lord, my God, my Strength, my Song, has now become my Victory!!!”
Recovery is not the same as Deliverance
Many programs have evolved to help people “Recover” from these issues, but Recovery is not the same as Deliverance. Recovery implies a permanent state of bondage to old addictions, whereas Deliverance means total and permanent release from the bondage and victory over the old temptations.
For instance, Recovery programs all follow the same general plan. They usually incorporate some variation of the commonly known “12 step” program first made popular by Alcoholics Anonymous. While these plans help many people, I am disappointed by Christians, believers in Jesus, who still maintain they are an “Alcoholic,” or a “drug addict,” even though they have been sober for 20 years. These programs have indoctrinated them to believe they can never be completely free. The fact of the matter is, if you truly believe in Jesus, and in His power over Satan, you can absolutely be free. There is only one condition… you must surrender completely to Him, no reservations, no clinging to one last thing. Once you have come to that point, and it may take a while, you are a candidate for Deliverance.
The Joy of Deliverance
This is the joy Dustin Morgan felt after he received his Deliverance.
While he’s driving down the highway, he feels lighter and lighter, like he’s floating six inches above his driver’s seat. A smile creeps over his face, and a Presence hovers right in front of him, slightly above and to the left.
“Who is that? Jesus, is that You?”
All the way back, Jesus is right there, all around him, so close he can touch Him. Dustin reaches out and grabs the air, over and over, laughing out loud with a gusher of release that erupts out of his belly. As the reality of what just happened sinks in, he explodes with joy. No visions now, no visions the next day, no visions for the next year, no visions for the next twenty years.
He is in awe of God. Physical miracles are one thing, but when God enters the battlefield of your mind, conquers your oppressors, and throws the bums out, you know there is another realm, and He is the King. Morgan knows it. He is sure of it. Jesus has rescued him from the clutches of Legion and his demons, and he owes Him his life.