The Christian’s Bond Through the Ages: Mar’s Hill to Grenada
Phillip in Samaria Acts 8:6-8 “And the multitudes with one accord heeded the things spoken by Philip, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice, came out of many who were possessed; and many who were paralyzed and lame were healed. And there was great joy in that city.”
Peter at Cornelius’s house Acts 10:44 “While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word”
What do you suppose it felt like to be in the streets of Samaria, or in Cornelius’s house when the Holy Spirit fell? It sounds like a far off fantasy, doesn’t it? It’s in the Bible, so it was 2,000 years ago, and everything was different back then. That means people felt differently back then right? No! Of course not! Their love was the same as we feel, their fear was the same fear, their joy was the same joy. They just had to experience them without electricity and running water.
Whenever there is a revival, the same Holy Spirit falls. George Whitefield had a booming voice and preached a message of holiness to tens of thousands in the American colonies. Ben Franklin estimated a crowd in Philadelphia to be over 80,000 people! Jonathan Edwards read his sermon called
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” and people moaned out loud, “what shall I do to be saved.”
In “From Woodstock To Eternity” Dustin Morgan is in Grenada and witnesses the Holy Spirit fall in response to the preaching of the Word.
While they are singing, many locals gather around to listen or join in, clapping along in their rhythmical, island beat. Suddenly, Pastor Terry steps out in the open air and starts to proclaim a message about the saving power of Jesus. They are having a revival right here in the middle of the street! A couple of local islanders raise their hand to get saved and walk up to the Pastor. He lays his hands on their heads and they bow in prayer. Dustin whispers in Lisa’s ear,
“I tell you what, I never would have seen anything like this in my old days. I feel like we are experiencing something that has been going on for centuries. I bet people felt the same Spirit when George Whitefield was preaching in the colonies, or even when Paul was on Mars Hill in Athens. I had no idea being a Christian would be anything like this.”
Isn’t it something? When we get saved, or filled with the Spirit, or feel God’s presence, we feel the same Holy Spirit that people felt in the Bible – or in The Great Awakening – or in Cornelius’s house! Just pull up a chair, listen to Peter and start speaking in tongues… it’s that easy, and it’s part of our bond. The fellowship of believers spans the ages.