Easter Day One
I am happy to present this guest blog from my son, Josiah Cooper. In three consecutive posts, he covers the death, burial, and resurrection from a very different perspective. I hope you will enjoy.
Happy Good Friday, my friends!
Today we remember the dismal account of Jesus’ road to the cross. I feel though that we often overlook the greater spiritual conflict that took place.
Jesus, being fully human and fully divine acknowledged “The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.” Mark 14:38. He was quick to remind his disciples as he was being arrested “Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?” Matthew 26:53.

legions of angels
My historical expertise fails me as to what a legion numbers, but suffice it to say, that’s a lot of angels! (Further research has shown that a Roman Legion was 6,000, making twelve legions of 72,000 angels!!) And they are no cherubs playing harps. These guys are William Wallace-meets-The Rock with wings, and they are poised for action with their hands on the hilts of their broadswords!
But Jesus would not be kept from His divine destiny, and holds His peace that He might ransom you and me!
Pilate’s wife was even troubled in her dreams concerning Jesus, and sent word to her governor husband to have nothing to do with Jesus in judgment. In a final blow to the

Wooden cross
forces of darkness, as Jesus breathed His last, the earth itself revolted! The sky turns black, the ground shakes so violently that the dead are awakened and enter Jerusalem and “appear to many” – Matthew 27:52-53.
The entire universe felt the effects of Jesus’ death, but none so significantly as the powers of hell themselves…
…stay tuned.