2020 Will Be a
Great Year!
All Expectations start with a Dream. People who say it’s not good to have big expectations, because they could be dashed, will just remain where they are. Like Dolly Parton said, “I wish all those people who try to tell me I’ll never make it would just get out of my way while I’m doing it.” If we don’t have a dream for our new year, then we’ll obviously never make it. So, gird up your loins, put on your dream cap, and make 2020 the greatest year ever!
Thanks and Grats for your continued support for From Woodstock to Eternity

Even though I have not written a blog in a while, I continue to get notifications that people are visiting this site and buying the book. As a matter of fact, the increase in interest has coincidentally lined up with my new job. In 2018, I decided to re-invent myself as an Aviation Ground Instructor after being out of aviation for over 30 years. As anyone who has read “From Woodstock to Eternity” knows, there is a lot of flying in that book. God blessed me with a position as CFI Academy ground instructor for a major flight school, and I now have class after class of aspiring pilots on their way to becoming flight instructors. Somehow, word got out that I wrote a book, and a lot of my students are now very intrigued about Dustin Morgan. I tell them it’s just fiction.
Major Ups and Downs in 2019
2019 was an incredible year, so 2020 has it’s work cut out to beat it. Two major events happened to our family, one catapulting, and the other, catastrophic. First the good news, which I already mentioned was my career makeover into a Ground Instructor who now has great influence and responsibility for hundreds of young pilots, which results in great rewards. The accomplishment is theirs when they pass their checkride for Certified Flight Instructor. The reward is mine when they hunt me down and thank me for helping them get through it. The joy in seeing the ones you serve succeed is priceless.

The bad news is my daughter crashed into a mountain in Alaska in an airplane with three other people on board. She was the sole survivor. With 13 broken bones and a broken back, she has had a miraculous recovery so far as the doctors have put her back together like Humpty Dumpty. She will be going back to work at United sometime next year, so 2020 will be much better for her!
The Future for From Woodstock to Eternity
I have been reprimanded for leaving my readers hanging at the end, but I felt the cliff hanger was needed, because that was the end of that segment of the story. The obvious question remains… will you tell us what happened? When are we going to get “The Rest of the Story?” I will tell you that I have in mind three books in the Eternal Pioneer series. “From Woodstock to Eternity” takes you through Woodstock. The next book, “The Steel Wall” will take you through the intense metamorphosis to Eternity and out of this world. The third book, “Eternal Pioneers” is intended to take you into the heavenly country of living in eternity while going through the many facets that make up this earthly life.

While I have been hesitant to dive into “The Steel Wall,” I have written many chapters as a rough draft, and as soon as I get the OK from the Lord, I will finish the book. It is painful for me to relive this period, because it was a time that God had me pull the plug on many attachments to the world and its ways and devote complete allegiance to His Word and His ways. The value of the book is to show real life execution of coming to Him and being separate. Something all Christians are called to do.
Dream It
Do It!
Get a dream, dig up an old, dead Dream, or Do the Dream you already have! See you in 2020!!!