Dream It
You want to fly airplanes? Are you crazy? What makes you think you can do something like that? Most aspiring young pilots come out of peer groups with an attitude something like that. In fact, most people with grandiose ideas are surrounded by people who could never imagine themselves doing anything so far out there. This is because most people are stuck in their present mindset, have no vision for their future, and don’t have the drive to go for it even if they did. They had a difficult upbringing, are content with where they are, or just have no idea what they want to do with their lives. They have no dream.
This reveals the sad truth that only a small percentage of people actually do have a vision they are pursuing, and they are the ones who reap the sweetest taste of success in their lives. If you have nothing to conquer, you will have no victory.
Realizing Your Dream – The Highest Level of Human Needs
Aviation Instructors learn this in the study of Human Behavior. In a pyramid of human needs, basic food and shelter are the first level, progressing through security, love, self esteem and finally to the peak of Self – Actualization. Not everyone gets to this level. In fact, many do not even reach satisfaction in the areas of inward and outward self esteem. This is why so many sermons and self help workshops focus on propping up our self image.
Be All You Can Be!
The top level, on the other hand, follows the motto of the Army to “Be All You Can Be!” Another way of looking at it is “achieving what you were called to do.” In the Bible, Jesus told a Parable about Talents (Matthew 25:14) that are given to each of us to put to use during our walk in this life. Paul refers to Spiritual gifts (Romans 12) that are given to each of us that empower us to fulfill our calling for God. Unfortunately, most of us never find out what we are called to do, much less get around to doing it, which leads to the final point.
Do It!

A Turning Point in Dustin Morgan’s transformation in “From Woodstock To Eternity” comes in a talk with his sister about what he really wants to do in life. The party hardy days had just about run their course, and he knew it. She pressed him to imagine with no boundaries. “All I’ve ever wanted to do is fly airplanes,” he said. Then Sis raised the bar. “Imagine yourself in the cockpit of a 727.” It blew his mind. “I have never allowed myself to go that far… do you think I could do that?” Of course Sis had the answer… “With God anything is possible.”

They set out a plan to find out how to get flying lessons, hired an instructor, bought a cheap, second hand Cessna 150, and he was on his way. He worked his way into the commuter airline industry, but then things fell apart. Finally, almost 40 years later, he resurrected his dream and became an instructor for young flight instructors eager to go to the airlines. There is no greater thrill than to stand on the other side and know that you dared to dream, put in the work, and made it happen. This is why I write on top of the marker board at the beginning of every class…