4 Levels of the Christian Life
Have you ever wondered why some Christians are so passionate about Jesus, and others just mention Him once in a while, or worse yet, only when they’re cussing? Yes, even some Christians use the Lord’s Name in vain. If you are on the “not ready to get into it” side of things, you might look at full blown Christians with an idea like, “If I looked like that, talked like that and lived like that, I would lose all my friends, and maybe even my family. Plus, I would look like a Bible thumper, and that would embarrass me.”
If you were on the “Jesus saved me and I owe him my life side”, you might look at the non-committed Christian and say, “now why can’t they overcome whatever is holding them back, or why can’t they see the principles that are so plainly laid out in the Bible?”
There are levels in between, as well. In the book, From Woodstock To Eternity, Morgan’s parents were devoted Christians who faithfully went to church, but he seldom, if ever, heard a conversation about Jesus during the week. He may have been a part of their thinking at times, but they did not make the presence of God a part of their normal family life.
“They talked to Jesus and about Jesus all the time, as if He was a real person, living in the air all around them. This was a different attitude towards God than what he grew up with. He had always gone to church on Sunday with his parents, but during the rest of the week, Jesus was not in the picture. Mom and Dad were moral, ethical, hardworking people, but they didn’t talk to Jesus on a regular basis. They didn’t act like there was someone else in the room, so Morgan had no reason to think there was such a thing as a living Jesus watching over them.
Now, this new reality was being forced upon him. Not harshly, or menacingly, but by default. This is how his sister and brother-in-law saw it, this is how everybody in the church saw it, and so he was being inundated with the presence of Jesus. He didn’t mind, everybody was extremely nice, and he was making friends that were in another world from the friends he had back in Virginia. It’s just that everything was so, well, so straight.”
There are 4 levels of Commitment to the Word – Which one are you?
Barely There
This is someone who has heard the Gospel, is intrigued by it because it has a grain of truth to him, but considers the effect it will have on his life and says, “not for me.” It could also mean that the person actually believed it and got saved, but has no desire to to anything about it. He continues on like nothing happened.
Enthusiasm then Apathy
This person receives the Gospel with great joy, thinking it will solve all their problems, but
when they start to live it, they don’t receive the “help” they perceived, but instead,pressure. This opposing pressure comes from friends, family, situations, etc. They get discouraged and shrink back from being a vibrant, upbeat, energized Christian.
Loving the Old Life
This is the one that ensnares most “middle of the road” Christians. Even in this category there is a wide range. It could be your average good ole boy who is ashamed to let his rough and tough buddies know he is a Christian. He goes to the bar after work, he cusses on the job.
It could also be your average “good Christian” who regularly goes to Church, and even sees the Church family as their body of friends. However, if they did anything as radical as home school their kids, got rid of their TV, or quite their jobs to raise their kids at home intead of Day Care, they would be ostracized. Their church family friends would say, “We didn’t expect you to go that far!!!! What are you, some kind of fanatic?”
Total Freedom
This is the realm, in our culture today, where you are walking in strength and confidence and joy, but everybody else thinks you are nuts. Not to worry, Jesus has given us a promise.
“Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you
falsely for My sake. “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Matthew 5:11-13
“But I don’t want to be reviled and persecuted”, you say. No, that is not for this level. That’s what the people back on level 2 say. On this level of total freedom, you embrace the persecution and see it as a badge of honor. When you get here – You are FREE!!!