The Inner Battle: Know Your Enemy!

Have you ever felt like you are in the middle of a battle?

We are always being pulled in separate directions.  Most of the time, we don’t think about it.  We go about our daily lives and believe we are merely making our own decisions.  However, every thought and attitude is motivated by one force or another.  In this political season, a great deal of focus is being given to knowing our enemy.

Good & Evil pulling apart

Good & Evil pulling apart

Either the Spirit of Christ is thinking through us, or the enemy of our souls is calling the shots.  This is a silent battle, most of the time.  But when push comes to shove, we can feel like we are being torn apart.

Dustin Morgan experiences this phenomenon in the book “From Woodstock To Eternity” when he is offered a job to fly marijuana from Jamaica.

pro pilot

pro pilot

“When he made his confession of Christ, he entered into a

stack of money

stack of money

spiritual realm he didn’t know existed.  He received the Holy Spirit as an on-board Teacher to drive his conscience toward doing the right thing.  But unknown to him, he had another battalion of demons, commanded by their leader, Legion, who were determined to make him do the wrong thing.”


Making the choice

Making the choice

For all Christians, we have the amazing gift of an on board Teacher from Heaven.  All we have to do is ask for advice and we get it!  There is only one catch.  We have to be open to what the Holy Spirit says in order for it to do us any good.  It doesn’t work when we allow ourselves to hang on to old desires.  If we are not willing to abandon our own inclinations, Legion is more than willing to step in.

So the choice is ours.  It all depends on who we appoint to call the shots.

angels in heaven

The Teacher from Heaven



demons in hell

The Tempter from you know where

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