The Plan is the Heart of the Matter
Most of the time, in normal life, our plans are good and solid, but they don’t come to pass due to poor execution. Especially if it is delegated to incompetent or untrustworthy people. Even when we try to carry out our own plans we can mess up somewhere along the line.

Making plans
This applies especially to big plans, such as life goals, major moves, decisions for your family, etc. If it seems like your plan is just not coming together, there is one factor that everyone must be willing to consider. Your plan is wrong in the first place. This is not a new idea. Proverbs 19:21 says, There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the LORD’s counsel–that will stand.

Plan Execution
This applies even when your plans are meant for good.
But how about when they are not meant for the most upright of goals? This is the problem people outside of the law have to face whenever they are caught.
In the book, From Woodstock To Eternity, Dustin Morgan has to face this contradiction in his life when he ends up in a lonely jail cell.
“If I had only done this, or not done that, then it would have worked.”
In this case, it wasn’t the execution – it was the plan! The vial of coke was there, because that’s how he had planned to live.
He stares at the blank, pale yellow walls of his prison cubicle, and allows the reality to flow in. He knows that as long as he continues living this way, the vulnerability will be there – like stripes on a tiger. No amount of precautions or self-imposed checks and balances will guarantee it won’t happen again. There will always be a forgotten roach in the ashtray, an open container in the car, a misplaced film tin in the trunk, an empty vial in the suitcase. And they will always lead back to this place. It’s worse than that. The next time he gets caught, it’ll lead to the state penitentiary.
This leads him to a life changing conclusion: It’s Not Working!!!
Life can be confusing. Is it a matter of pressing on? Is this just a test? Was I wrong in

the first place? How will I know? It is very easy to get caught in the middle of indecision.
We all have to reach this point when God is trying to get our attention. If we do not let him deep inside to change the way we have always thought things should be, we will never see total victory.
Be willing to give your plans to God and let His counsel stand in your life!