Another guest post from Josiah Cooper Part 2 out of 3
Day 2: Confusion and disappointment

Disappointed Disciples
After Jesus’ death, the people most closely involved must have experienced a wide range of emotions. His own mother had watched him die and is in the care of John the Beloved. Is she grieving? Does she find peace in knowing that it was to this end He was born? Does she remember His promise to rise again?
His disciples are scattered, and as we will later find, many of His followers are completely shattered as their hope of a military leader/deliverer had just been executed.

Torn Veil In the Temple
The religious leaders are completely bewildered concerning the events that occurred as Christ breathed His last. The earth had shaken, great darkness had fallen, and the veil of the temple rent in twain! Still, they are somewhat relieved that they can carry on with their ritual feast and sacrifices, completely unaware that the final Sacrifice has just been made! Even they cannot shake their own concern, as they consult with the governor to have a guard placed at the tomb because they remembered better than His disciples His promise to rise again.
I’m the meantime Jesus is in Hades preaching to the souls held captive there. Even in death He does the will of His Father.
The Sabbath is passing, and life is beginning to return to normal after the events of the weekend.
Or are they?
Stay tuned…
A rather unorthodox way of looking at it. Still, it does raise the point that Jesus was focused on one thing – doing the will of the Father. We should be doing the same with our lives, because He is the only one we really need to please!!
The wide dynamic of emotions experienced as a result of Jesus’ death ranged from relief to despair! It just goes to show that even when you’re dead you won’t please everyone!